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Long-term morbidity from neonatal drug withdrawal remains unstudied. Few studies have followed drug-exposed children beyond the first few years of life. Confounding variables, such as environment and dysfunctional caregivers, make determining the causes of outcome differences difficult. In a small study, developmental scores on the mental index on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development were not affected by seAMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS 1085.
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Arana-Chavez VE, Nanci A 2001 ; High-resolution immunocytochemistry of noncollagenous matrix proteins in rat mandibles processed with microwave irradiation. J Histochem Cytochem 49: 10991109 Baskin TI, Busby CH, Fowke LC, Sammut M, Gubler F 1992 ; Improvements in immunostaining samples embedded in methacrylate: localization of microtubules and other antigens throughout developing organs in plants of diverse taxa. Planta 187: 405413 Bendayan M 1995 ; Colloidal gold post-embedding immunocytochemistry. Prog Histochem Cytochem 29: 1159 Boskey AL 1996 ; Matrix proteins and mineralization: an overview. Connect Tissue Res 35: 357363 Djaldetti M, Floru S, Mittelman M, Ben-Bassat M 1987 ; Multiple myeloma presenting as anaplastic carcinoma. The role of electron microscopy in the diagnosis. J Submicrosc Cytol 19: 669675 Erben RG 1997 ; Embedding of bone samples in methylmethacrylate: an improved method suitable for bone histomorphometry, histochemistry, and immunohistochemistry. J Histochem Cytochem 40: 307313.
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A whitehead is a plug comprised of sebum and dead skin cells that lies just below the surface of the skin. A blackhead occurs when the pressure of the oil and dead skin pushes the plug all the way to the surface of the skin. When the plug comes into contact with air, it turns black. "Blackheads are not caused by dirt, and you cannot scrub them away, " says CHOC pediatrician Melissa Rosin, M.D. "For basic blackheads or whiteheads, I recommend starting with over-the-counter topical products containing benzoyl peroxide. That is usually enough to treat them." For pimples, Dr. Rosin recommends prescription topical antibiotics in addition to the benzoyl peroxide to help kill the bacteria and to reduce inflammation or facial redness. Some new prescription medications contain both. Prescription topical retinoids such as Retin A, a derivative of vitamin A, may help break up the plug of oil, dead skin and bacteria. If there is a lot of redness, an oral antibiotic may also be necessary. Prescription medication may also be part of the solution for painful, inflamed cysts beneath the skin's surface. Cystic acne is the severest form and the most likely to cause scarring. Melissa Rosin, M.D., recently completed her pediatric residency training at Children's Hospital of Orange County. She is now in practice with the St. Joseph Heritage Medical Group, 1201 La Veta Blvd., Suite 700, in Orange. For more information, please contact her at 714 ; 288-3230 "There are no magic treatments that will make acne disappear overnight. If a kid really wants the acne to go away, he or she will have to be diligent about using the medication, " she says. "The medicines are effective, but they take time to work.
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Professor Andreas Katsambas is Chairman and Professor of the A. Sygros Hospital, University of Athens Medical School in Athens, Greece He was elected President-Elect of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology EADV ; in 2006 and is also a Member of the International League of Dermatological Societies ILDS ; since 1997. Prof. Katsambas is also an editorial board member of many significant international medical journals.Recently, as Professor Sergio Chimenti assistant, he is involved in several clinical trials and routine experience with new biologic drugs for psoriasis.
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She projects the drug will generate $350 million from other nations by 201 sanofi has already launched acomplia in 12 countries; it generated 31 million euros in sales last year.
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1. National Institutes of Health. Global Initiative for Asthma: Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. A pocket guide for physicians and nurses. Publication No. 95-3659B. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 1998. 2. Bousquet J, the ARIA Workshop Group. Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma: the ARIA Workshop report. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001; 108 5 ; : suppl, S147-S334. 3. Pedersen PA, Weeke ER. Asthma and allergic rhinitis in the same patients. Allergy 1983; 38: 25-29. Spector SL. Overview of comorbid associations of allergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997; 99: S773-S780. 5. Meltzer EO. Treating allergic rhinitis: Overview and update. J Asthma Allergy Pediatr 1992; 6: 13-?? Evans RM, Mullally DI, Wilson RW, et al. National trends in the morbidity and mortality of asthma in the US: prevalence, hospitalization and death from asthma over two decades, 1965 - 1984. Chest 1987; 91: 65S-74S. Luyt DK, Green RJ, Davis G, et al. Allergic rhinitis in South Africa diagnosis and management. S Afr Med J 1996; 86 part 2 ; : 13131328. 8. Vondra V, Reisova M, Petrik P, Skulova Z, Maly M. Prevalence of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and allergic rhinitis in a South Moravian district. Vnitr Lek 1994; 40: 21-25. Settipane GA. Allergic rhinitis - update. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986; 94: 470. ISAAC Steering Committee. Worldwide variation in prevalence of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic eczema. ISAAC. Lancet 1998; 351: 1225-1232. Burney PG, Chinn S, Rona RJ. Has the prevalence of asthma increased in 1986? BMJ 1990; 300: 1306-1310. Burr ML, Butland B, King S, Vaughan-Williams E. Changes in asthma prevalence: two surveys 15 years apart. Arch Dis Child 1989; 64: 1452-1456. Ninan TK, Russell G. Respiratory symptoms and atopy in Aberdeen school children: evidence from two surveys 25 years apart. BMJ 1992; 304: 873-875. Robertson CF, Heycock E, Bishop J, Nolan T, Olinsky A, Phelan PD. Prevalence of asthma in Melbourne school children: changes over 26 years. BMJ 1991; 302: 1116-1118. Shaw RA, Crane J, O'Donnel TV, Porteous LE, Cleman ED. Increasing asthma in a rural New Zealand adolescent population: 1975-1989. Arch Dis Child 1990; 65: 1319-1323. Van Niekerk CH, Weinberg EG, Shore SC, Heese HdeV, Van Schalkwyk DJ. Prevalence of asthma: a comparative study of urban and rural Xhosa children. Clin Allergy 1979; 9: 319-324. Keeley DJ, Neill P, Gallivan S. Comparison of the prevalence of reversible airways obstruction in rural and urban Zimbabwean children. Thorax 1991; 146: 549-553. Flemming DM, Crombi DL. Prevalence of asthma and hayfever in England and Wales. BMJ 1987; 294: 279-283. Barbee RA, Kaltenborn N, Lebowitz MD, Burrows B. Longitudinal changes in allergen skin test reactivity in a community population sample. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1987; 79: 16-24. Aberg N, Engstrom I. Natural history of allergic diseases in children. Acta Scand 1990; 79: 206-211. Weeke ER. Epidemiology of allergic diseases in children. Rhinol Suppl 1992; 13: 5-12. Miyao M, Furuta M, Ozawa K, et al. Morbidity of allergic rhinitis based on the National Health Insurance records of Japan. Tohoku J Exp Med 1993; 169: 345-350. Burkholder D, Schiffer P. The epidemiology of atopic diseases in Europe. Allergy Clin Immunol News 1995; 7 4 ; : 113-125.
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