Medical news article on organ transplant prograf now approved for prophylaxis use in heart transplantation across europe 2006 may 22 - astellas pharma inc announced that the european commission has approved the immunosuppressant prograf generic name: tacrolimus ; for the prophylaxis an attempt to prevent disease.
Circle the most appropriate answer in the "ANSWER SECTION" on the following page. 1. The first clinical sign of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients is: a. Changes in the circadian pattern of blood pressure b. Glycosylated hemoglobin 8% c. History of diabetes 20 years d. Microalbuminuria 2. In type 2 diabetic patients the finding of microalbuminuria is a stronger predictor of which of the following: a. Renal events b. The development of hypertension c. The progression to ESRD d. Cardiovascular events 3. Microalbuminuria in diabetic patients is a risk factor for: a. Endothelial dysfunction b. Stroke c. Amputation d. Both a and b 4. Hypertension in diabetic patients is a risk factor for: a. Microvascular complications b. Macrovascular complications c. Both microvascular and macrovascular complications d. Coronary artery disease and microvascular complications 5. Regression of microalbuminuria is associated with: a. The use of ACE inhibitors b. Low triglycerides c. Low diastolic blood pressure d. The duration of microalbuminuria 6. If the urinary dipstick is 1 + positive in a diabetic patient, the next step is: a. A nontimed screening for microalbuminuria in the urine by radioimmunoassay b. Start the patient on an ACE inhibitor or ARB c. Quantify proteinuria by 24-hour urine collection or urine protein-to-creatinine ratio d. Check the patient's lipid profile 7. Patients with established diabetic nephropathy would benefit from which of the following: a. ACE inhibitors or ARBs b. Alpha-blockers c. Beta-blockers d. Both a and c 8. The target blood pressure in diabetic nephropathy as recommended by the National Kidney Foundation is: a. 130 80 mm Hg 120 80 mm Hg 120 75 mm Hg 125 75 mm Hg Which of the following factors has not been proven to be of benefit in diabetic nephropathy: a. Systolic blood pressure control b. Glycosylated hemoglobin 7% c. Control of hypertriglyceridemia d. Control of diastolic blood pressure 10. The multifactorial approach to target all risk factors in diabetic patients was shown to be beneficial in which of the following studies: a. RENAAL b. UKPDS c. STENO d. VMAC, for example, tacrolimus wiki.
In particular, many public and private health care payors limit reimbursement and coverage to the uses of a drug that are either approved by the fda or that are supported by other appropriate evidence for example, published medical literature ; and appear in a recognized drug compendium.
Fluoroquinolones are antibacterial agents, which are commonly used because of their favorable pharmacokinetic properties, bactericidal action at low minimal inhibitory concentration, and broad antimicrobial spectrum 1, 2 ; . The most frequently observed adverse effects are gastrointestinal, followed by mild neurologic disorders headache and dizziness ; and skin reactions 2, 3 ; . Rheumatologic, for instance, tacrolimus pronunciation.
Lamps. Diffey and Langely 1986 ; discovered that so-called W B fluorescent lamps emitted approximately 55% of their total UV output in the UVB range. Tanning Iamps before the 1970's had high UVB and even some UVC emissions. Modern lamps emit primarily W A with a small percentage emission of short-wave UVB 280-300 n ; A letter from the Alberta Workers' Health, Safety and Compensation to m. establishments with sun tanning equipment in Alberta 1980 ; indicated that there has been a recent trend to the installation of European-type tanning equipment sunbeds tanning beds, with mainly W A outputs ; in commercial establishments. Therefore, it is anticipated to see.
Cunningham J, et al. Osteoporosis in chronic kidney disease. J Kidney Dis 2004; 43: 556571 50 Dember LM, et al. Randomized controlled trial of prophylactic repair of hemodialysis arteriovenous graft stenosis. Kidney Int 2004; 66: 390398 69 Einecke G, et al. The value of C2 monitoring in stable renal allograft recipients on maintenance immunosupression. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004; 19: 215222 4 Fabre JW viz Morris PJ Fahti R, et al. The effect of long-term aggressive lipid lowering on ischemic and atherosclerotic burden in patients with chronic kidney disease. N Engl J Med 2004; 350: 971980 35 Fan Zhang, et al. Hyperhomocysteinemia activates NF-B and inducible nitric oxide synthese in the kidney. Kidney Int 2004; 65: 13271338 41 Flanc RS, et al. Treatment of diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Kidney Dis 2004; 43: 197208 13 Fong TL, et al. Analysis of the United network for Organ Sharing database comparing renal allografts and patient survival in combined liver-kidney transplantation with the contralateral allografts in kidney alone or kidney-pancreas transplantation. Transplantation 2003; 76: 348353 3 Griffith TF, et al. Characteristics of treated hypertension in incident hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients. J Kidney Dis 2003; 42: 12601269 20 Hasek M viz Morris PJ Cheung AK, et al. Effects of high-flux hemodialysis on clinical outcomes: results of the HEMO study. J Soc Nephrol 2003; 14: 32513263 7 Ivanyi J viz Morris PJ Joly D, et al. Octogenarians reaching end-stage renal disease: cohort study of decision-making and clinical outcomes. J Soc Nephrol 2003; 14: 10121021 6 Kline Bolton W, et al. Randomized trial of an inhibitor of formation of advanced glycationend products in diabetic nephropathy. J Nephrol 2004; 24: 3240 53 McLaren A viz Morris PJ Meyrier A. Nephrotic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in 2004: an update. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2004; 19: 24372444 89 Mitra S, et al. The relationship between systemic and whole body hematocrit is not constant during ultrafiltration on hemodialysis. J Soc Nephrol 2004; 15: 463469 38 Morris PJ, et al. Tolerance comes of age. Editorial comment. Transplantation 2003; 76: 14071425 18 Nakajima H, et al. Activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway in renal proximal tubular cells by albumin. J Soc Nephrol 2004; 15: 276285 12 Ninova D, et al. Acute nephrotoxicity of tacrolimus and sirolimus in renal isografts. Transplantation 2004; 78: 338344 78 Patel NSA, et al. Pretreatment with EPO reduces the injury and dysfunction cause byischemia reperfusion in the mouse kidney in vivo. Kidney Int 2004; 66: 983989 77 Perna A, et al. Immunosuppressive treatment for idiopathic membranous nephropathy: a systematic review. J Kidney Dis. 2004; 44: 385401 66 and pantoprazole.
As well as civil law as protecting people from others. Accordingly, trying to save people from their own drug-using proclivities is considered to be ample warrant for depriving individuals of life, liberty, property, and any or all constitutional protections that obstruct this lofty goal the war on drugs After the turn of the century, having enjoyed the blessings of two centuries of free trade in medical care, America succumbed to the lure of European "progress, " a k a government regulation.21 Ever since then, the United States has waged a War on Drugs. The hostilities began with minor skirmishes before World War I, grew into guerrilla warfare after it, and now affect the daily lives of people not only in the United States but in foreign countries as well the mirage of a holy healthy utopia The War on Drugs is a moral crusade wearing a medical mask. Our previous moral crusades targeted people who were giving themselves sexual relief and pleasure the drives against pornography and masturbation ; . Our current moral crusade targets people who are giving themselves pharmaceutical relief and pleasure the drive against illicit drugs and self-medication ; . Although the term drug abuse is vague and its definition variable, by and large it is the name we give to selfmedication with virtually any interesting and socially disapproved substance. Why is self-medication a problem? Because, for the reasons discussed above, we view it as both immoral and unhealthy. And so we arrive back at our point of departure: the essentially religious, redemptive nature of the American dream of a world free from dangerous drugs. This aspiration arose, as Tuveson suggested.
But as a method of delivering certain medicinal compounds, smoking marijuana has some real advantages: the effect is almost instantaneous, allowing the patient, who after all is the best judge, to fine-tune his or her dose to get the needed relief without intoxication and pentoxifylline, for example, tacrolimus trough.
It is recommended that treatment with tacrolimus or pimecrolimus be initiated only by physicians including general practitioners ; with a special interest and experience in dermatology, and only after careful discussion with the patient about the potential risks and benefits of all appropriate second-line treatment options.
Transplant patients are advised not to take any herbal remedies as abnormalities of Liver Function Tests have been reported after use of certain herbal preparations, while the effects of many herbal preparations on the liver are not known. There have been a number of rejection episodes reported in patient's taking the herbal preparation "St. John's Wort", which many people take for depression. Valerian is another preparation which is known to cause abnormality in liver function tests. These preparations may interact with the absorption or metabolism of your immunosuppressive medications, tacrolimus cyclosporin and altering your blood levels. Do not self-medicate with any medication other than those prescribed by your doctor and trental.
The McMaster Meducator may be contacted via our e-mail address: MeduEmail learnlink master or our mailing address: B.H . Honours ; Program Attention: The McMaster Meducator Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery Room 3308 Faculty of Health Sciences 1200 Main Street West Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5 : meducator.
Table 5 Change from baseline in hsCRP in all patients and in those with hsCRP !2 mg L n 236 ; or .3 mg L n 170 ; at baseline ITT population by as-allocated treatment ; Median change in hsCRP from baseline % ; 10th and 90th percentiles ; 6 weeks RSV 10 mg n 164 ; All patients Patients with hsCRP !2 mg L at baseline Patients with hsCRP .3 mg L at baseline 218.2 264.9, 89.2 ; 220.0 274.2, 62.5 ; 223.7 280.6, 37.6 ; ATV 10 mg n 155 ; 216.1 270.1, 116.7 ; 224.7 277.2, 96.9 ; 232.2 280.4, 78.0 ; Placebo n 78 ; 26.2 255.2, 119.7 ; 210.0 267.0, 68.9 ; 29.9 268.3, 49.3 ; 12 weeks RSV combined n 242 ; 228.6 267.6, 75.0 ; 235.0 274.5, 35.8 ; 240.7 278.3, 27.0 ; ATV 10 20 mg n 155 ; 227.7 268.4, 78.7 ; 231.1 271.4, 37.4 ; 230.1 273.4, 37.6 and pheniramine.
Yclosporin A CsA ; and tacrolimus FK506 ; are powerful immunosuppressants widely used in organ transplantation and autoimmune disorders. They suppress T cell activation by inhibiting activity of a protein phosphatase, calcineurin.1 Introduction of these drugs to immunosuppressive therapy has dramatically improved early survival of organ transplant recipients. However, there have been several reports demonstrating adverse effects of CsA and FK506. Although it is still controversial, 2, 3 some reports have shown that these drugs have a tendency to accelerate atherogenic process, particularly in their long-term administration.4 6 Interleukin IL ; -8, a CXC chemotactic cytokine, plays an important role in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis7 as well as in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.8 IL-8 increases recruitment of monocyte macrophage into atherosclerotic lesions.9 It has been shown that mice possessing IL-8 receptor deficient leukocytes develop less extent of atherosclerotic lesions of aorta induced by experimental hypercholesterolemia.10 In addition, IL-8 stimulates proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells SMCs ; and their migration into intimal layer of artery.11 Therefore, the expression of IL-8 gene is tightly controlled in cells. In unstimulated cells, its expression.
Diagnosis date for cases. Exposed persons were classified as current users if they reported taking the medications at the reference date, and former users otherwise. Because of the possibility that early symptoms of cancer might have led cases to discontinue or otherwise alter use of NSAIDs, exposure was also assessed using lagged reference dates representing 2 and 5 years before the original reference date. In those analyses, any exposure time accrued after the lagged reference date was excluded from the total duration of use. Unconditional logistic regression was used to calculate ORs and 95% CIs comparing each of the four case groups to the controls. The analyses were adjusted for age, gender, study center, respondent type study subject or proxy ; , cigarette smoking five categories including never smokers and quartiles of pack-years ; , household income $15, 000, $ 15, 000-$29, 999, $30, 000-$49, 999, $50, 000-$74, 999, or $75, 000 ; , body mass index in quartiles ; , and history of upper gastrointestinal tract heartburn, acid regurgitation and progesterone.
Drug ents smoking relapse, may aid weight loss, because tacrolimue eye drops.
Tacrolimus eczema
Appendix C. Detail on criteria for audit of the use of tacgolimus and pimecrolimus for atopic eczema and propafenone.
1st dam CERTAIN IMPRESSION USA ; : unraced; dam of 8 previous foals; 5 runners; 3 winners: Moyanna IRE ; 00 f. by Sri Pekan USA : 3 wins, 29, 087 viz. winner at 3, 2003 and placed 6 times; also 2 wins at 4, 2004 in U.S.A. Impressive Flight IRE ; 99 f. by Flying Spur AUS : 2 wins at 3 and 45, 447 and placed 6 times. Bella Lia IRE ; 95 f. by Petardia GB : winner at 3 in Italy and placed. Fern House IRE ; 02 c. by Xaar GB : 2-y-o in training. She also has a yearling colt by Soviet Star USA ; . 2nd dam OVERALL IMAGE USA ; : placed 3 times in France and in U.S.A.; dam of 5 winners inc.: Spectacular Image USA ; f. by Spectacular Bid USA : 4 wins in U.S.A. and $90, 712 placed 2nd Vizcaya H., Brazilian S. and 3rd Dahlia H.; dam of 2 winners. Zealed With A Kiss USA ; : 2 wins in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Spaseeba USA ; : 2 wins in U.S.A. and $68, 065; broodmare. 3rd dam BOLD LIZ USA ; by Jacinto ; : 5 wins at 2 in U.S.A. and $174, 785 inc. Hollywood Juvenile Championship S., Gr.2 and Hollywood Lassie S., Gr.2, placed 3 times inc. 2nd Cinderella S. and Sorrento S.; dam of 3 winners inc.: ORAL AGREEMENT USA ; : 3 wins in France and in U.S.A. and $59, 375 and 56, 000 fr. inc. Q, Santa Anita. Good Queen Bess USA ; : winner in Australia; dam of 2 winners; grandam of LORD ESSEX AUS ; won George Ryder S., Gr.1, Phar Lap S., Gr.2, Wyndham Estate Cup, Gr.2, Frederick Clissold H., Gr.3 ; . Gentle Linna USA ; : unraced; dam of 8 winners inc.: DIRTY DOUG USA ; : 11 wins in U.S.A. inc. Pennsylvania Futurity, L. 4th dam TURKISH BELLE: winner at 2 in U.S.A.; dam of 6 winners inc.: ROYAL TRACE USA ; : 5 wins in U.S.A. and $126, 079 inc. Long Branch S. and Assault H., placed inc. 2nd Hopeful S., Great American S., Lamplighter H., Tyro S., Ventnor H., 3rd Arlington Washington Futurity and 4th Sapling S.; sire. Beech Grove USA ; : 8 wins in U.S.A. and $165, 505, 2nd George Royal H. Royal Babs: 5 wins in U.S.A. and placed 6 times; dam of 6 winners inc.: Here Comes My Baby USA ; : 9 wins in U.S.A. and $125, 731 placed 2nd Florida Turf Club H., My Fair Lady H., Meadowbrook Farm H. and 3rd Hannah Dustin H.; grandam of SCOTTISH BUBBLY USA ; won Navarchus S. ; . Provenance USA ; : winner in U.S.A.; dam of SOLAR HALO USA ; won Firenze S., Gr.2, 2nd Ladies H., Gr.1 third dam of SOLAR DEPUTY USA ; won Mike Lee S., L. ; . Stabled in Barn P Box 24, for example, tacrlimus levels.
Tacrolimus monograph
All four patients in group 1 underwent successful PK. Three had post PK treatment with oral FK506, an immunosuppressant agent Tacrolimus, Prograf, Fujisawa Ltd. Japan ; , a macrolide antibiotic with potent immunosuppressive activity, isolated from the soil fungus Streptomyces tsukubaensis ; . Not a single episode of rejection was observed in any of these patients until the last follow-up minimum 9 months post PK ; . All vessels in patients of group 2 were successfully closed immediately and remained shut throughout the period of follow-up. The progression of lipid keratopathy was arrested, but deposited lipids showed only marginal clearance at the time of last follow-up visit 24 months ; . In the four patients in group 3, with rejection reactions persisting for 1 to 2 weeks, unresponsive to topical and subconjunctival steroids and to attempted closure with argon laser 3 patients ; , the rejection resolved within 2 to 3 days after occlusion of vessels by FND. Steroid drops were continued after FND occlusion of the vessels Figs. 2 and 3 ; . Patients in group 4 were also maintained continuously on low-dose topical steroid medication prednisolone acetate, 0.5%, once a day or once every other day ; after FND. In all 4 patients, the inflammation began to resolve within 1 week, and the frequency of inflammatory episodes was reduced. In one and rythmol.
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Cutivate fluticasone propionate ; cream 0.05%, 30 grams. Triamcinonolone acetonide cream 0.1%, 30 grams. Hydrocortisone cream 1%, 30 grams. Tqcrolimus ointment 0.03%, 30 grams. || Pimecrolimus cream 1%, 30 grams. WAC wholesale acquisition cost; OTC over the counter.
408. 3-R-7- phenylmethylene ; -s-triazolo[3, 4-b][1, 3, 4]-thiadiazines as anticancer agents. H. Malik, N. Heindel, C. Guillon, L. O'Keiffe, P. DeMatteo, J. Laskin 409. 4-X-Catechols-Tyrosinase Interactions: A QSAR Study. R. P. Verma, A. Z. Tan, C. D. Selassie 410. O6 2'-deoxyguanosine [18F]FPBdG ; synthesis and evaluation of a potential DNA repair protein O6-alkyguanine-DNA alkyltransferase AGT ; imaging agent. G. Vaidyanathan, K. Base, M. R. Zalutsky 411. An Efficient Formal Total Synthesis of - ; -Kazusamycin A, A Potential Antitumor Agent. S. Zhou, H. Chen, W. Liao, S. Chen, G. Li, R. Ando, I. Kuwajima 412. An SAR study of conjugated indole-imidazole derivatives displaying substantial in vitro antiproliferative activities against cancer cell lines. D. James, H. Li, S. Chen, Z. Xia, W. Ying, Y. Wu, L. Sun, K. Koya 413. Design and synthesis of bio-oxidatively activated prodrugs based upon the duocarmycins: Routes to Boc-CI and CI-MI prodrugs. N. Ortuzar Kerr, S. S. Grewel, B. Garcia-Ochoa Martin, K. Karu, L. H. Patterson, M. Searcey 414. Prodrug analogs of the duocarmycins activated by CYP-oxidation. M. Searcey, K. Karu, S. S. Grewal, N. Ortuzar Kerr, W. Griffith, L. H. Patterson 415. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of potential anticancer agents based on the azinomycins. M. A. Casely-Hayford, K. Pors, L. H. Patterson, M. Searcey 416. Design, synthesis and cytotoxicity of discodermolide analogues. M. A. Burlingame, S. J. Shaw, K. F. Sundermann, D. Zhang, J. Petryka, E. Mendoza, F. Liu, D. C. Myles, M. J. LaMarche, T. Hirose, B. S. Freeze, A. B. Smith III 417. SAR and structural minimization of the C1-C8 region of + ; -Discodermolide. K. F. Sundermann, S. J. Shaw, M. A. Burlingame, D. C. Myles, B. S. Freeze, M. Xian, I. Brouard, A. B. Smith III 418. Further studies of adverse events relating Echinacea angustifolia and cancer chemotherapy. E. D. Huntimer, F. T. Halaweish 419. Inhibition of urokinase by substituted chloroisocoumarins: Potential therapeutics for breast cancer metastasis. J. J. Heynekamp, T. A. Vander Jagt, L. A. Hunsaker, L. M. Deck, D. L. Vander Jagt 420. Ipomoeassins A-E, five new cytotoxic macrocyclic glycoresins, from the leaves of Ipomoea squamosa from the Suriname rainforest. S. Cao, R. C. Guza, J. H. Wisse, R. Evans, J. S. Miller, D. G. I. Kingston and pyrazinamide.
Senate Committee on Health and Human Services As noted earlier, in FFY 2001 the SSA recognized a shortfall in both budget and staffing in Texas. The issue was addressed by the SSAs approval of overtime and the creation of additional disability examiner positions in 2001.84 The overtime approval led to a decrease in the backlog. The additional disability examiner positions will likely increase the number of claims adjudicated thereby increasing the number of eligible claimants. In addition, the TRC DDS has adopted the SSA process unification principles which are designed to increase the number of eligible claimants at the initial determination level.85 A lack of resources to process case receipts has lead to significant delays in processing time, a problem that will only worsen with an ever-increasing amount of work both in volume and complexity. This limits the disability determination service's ability to deliver timely services for those seeking assistance.86.
Drug overdose practice case of overall humulin all good reaction and quetiapine and tacrolimus, for example, tacrolimus level.
5.3. Impacto de cambios en las normas de propiedad intelectual sobre los precios de los medicamentos 5.4. Efecto sobre el medicamentos volumen y el acceso a los.
After transplantation, most patients have fewer restrictions or limits in what they are allowed to eat. Your dietary guidelines are much the same as for any person who is trying to eat healthy. If you have other health problems, such as high blood sugar or high blood pressure, your transplant team will give you special instructions about your diet. Fad diets, diet supplements, and herbal products should be avoided. The level of some anti-rejection medications is affected when taken with grapefruit or grapefruit juice. All transplant centers and pharmacists recommend that transplant recipients avoid all forms of grapefruit and any drinks that contain a significant amount of grapefruit juice if they are taking cyclosporine or tacrolimus. While it is important to regain lost weight and rebuild your protein stores, your weight should stay within your appropriate weight range. Being overweight may contribute to other health complications such as heart disease and diabetes. Patients often have high potassium levels in their blood following liver transplant. An increased potassium level hyperkalemia ; could be due to anti-rejection medications or kidney dysfunction. High levels of potassium may cause the heart to beat irregularly. If your potassium level is high, it will be controlled by a medication called fludrocortisone Florinef ; and or dietary limits of high potassium foods. You may also be asked to limit or avoid high potassium-containing foods. Your dietician will advise you on how many servings of these foods you may have daily if your potassium level is high and seroquel.
Report on a liver transplant recipient who presented successively all these three potentially lethal complications and survived. Case report The medical history of the 59-yr-old Caucasian male patient included three myocardial infarcts and coronary bypass surgery. One year before admission, he presented with fatigue, coagulopathy and refractory ascites. The diagnosis of auto-immune cirrhosis was reached, including autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis, by the detection of high titers of anti-smooth muscle antibodies and a liver biopsy. Steroids were prescribed for six months. This did not prevent deterioration of the liver function so that the patient had eventually to be listed for liver transplantation. The operation and the early postoperative course were uneventful. The patient was discharged home after three weeks on tacrolimus 2 x 3 mgday1 ; and prednisone 20 mgday1 ; immunosuppression. Although the donor's CMV serology was positive and the recipient's negative, no antiviral prophylaxis was administered. On postoperative day 41 Figure 1 ; , the patient presented with fever, chills and alteration of the liver function tests. CMV detection on buffy coat leucocytes was positive by shell vial assay, amounting to 540 infectious units IU ; per 106 peripheral blood lymphocytes PBL ; . Intravenous ganciclovir 5 mgkg1 every 12 hr ; was prescribed for 14 days. The symptoms subsided and the patient could be discharged with a negative buffy coat test. Only four days later, he was re-admitted with the same clinical picture and a positive buffy coat test 54 IU 106 PBL ; . Intravenous ganciclovir was restarted for another two weeks. This was apparently successful but on postoperative day 93, the CMV disease relapsed 33 IU 106 PBL ; . Ganciclovir was again administered for two weeks. On postoperative day 130, the patient was readmitted with fever, diarrhea and extreme fatigue. The buffy coat test was positive 350 IU 106 PBL ; . This time, the symptoms failed to improve under ganciclovir treatment: fever spikes and chills occurred every evening. Pancytopenia developed: a bone marrow biopsy demonstrated leishmania parasites within monocytes and neutrophils Figure 2 ; . Culture and serology confirmed the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniosis L. infantum ; . The patient was treated with iv antimonate salts stibogluconate antimonate, 20 mgkg1every day ; for 28 days. Due to the pancytopenia, ganciclovir was discontinued; iv foscarnet was given instead 4.2 g every eight hours ; . The fever and symptoms regressed gradually; the white blood cells and platelet counts rose back to normal. However.
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