Data bases: Medline PsychINFO CINAHL HealthSTAR Social Science Abstracts Sociofile AgeLine Health Source Continuing Care Search Terms: Facility Care Chronic Care Facilities Personal Care Facilities Extended Care Facilities Long-term Care Facilities Nursing Home Facilities Skilled Nursing Facilities Palliative Care. Funding terms: Cost Allocation Cost Sharing Deductibles and Co-insurance Capitation Fee Insured Service Uninsured Service Fee-for-Service Rate Setting Reimbursement Long-Term Care Insurance User-Pay Private-Pay Resident Fee Ancillary Services Out-of-Pocket Expenses.
Can affect bioavailability of COC Anti Epileptic Enzyme Inducers Carbamazepine Oxcarbamazepine Phenobarbital Phenytoin Primidone Topirama5e Liver Enzyme Inducing Antibiotics Rifampicin and Rifabutin are potent enzyme inducers and women on long term use should be advised as for other enzyme inducing drugs. Antifungal Drugs Griseofulvin, Imidazole Miconazole, Ketoconazole and Triazole ; , Fluconazole and Itraconazole also had reports on anecdotal reports of contraceptive failure in usage with COC.
Topiramate Total 128; not reported separately by arm Not reported separately by arm. Median 39 years Not reported separately by study arm 29 23 ; 79.
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Entitled, "The Early Evaluation of Anticonvulsant Drugs; " David E. Moody, $2, 965, 140 for a three-year period for, "Analytical Services for Medications Development Program; "and Donald K. Blumenthal, $100, 000 for a two-year period for the project entitled, "In Situ Measurement of Protein Kinase Activity." H. Steve White has received funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute in the amount of $100, 000 for a two-year period for the project titled, "Evaluation of Topiramwte on Activity of GAB A Receptor." Kishor Wasan has received the following grants: $9, 426, Tilak Technologies for, "The Discovery and Characterization of Lipid Transfer Inhibitor Protein, " $10, 000, SmithKline Beecham USA ; for, "Factors Affecting the Interactions of Halofantrine with Plasma Lipoproteins, " and $15, 400, Boehringer Ingelheim Inc. for "In Vivo and In Vitro Plasma Lipoprotein Distribution of BIRT 377." University of Washington. Gail Anderson is co-investigator of a five-year NIH grant titled, "Magnesium Sulfate for Prevention of Adverse Outcomes Following Brain Trauma; " Dr. Anderson has also been awarded $43, 245 from Parke-Davis to study, "Intravenous Phenytoin Induced Phlebitis in Neurotrauma Patients; " $12, 500 from Astra for "Remecemide; " $64, 144 from Eli Lilly for "Olanzapine-Valproate Interaction in Human Liver Microsomes; " and $10, 395 from Parke-Davis for "6-Beta-Hydroxycortisol Cortisol Assays." Dale Christensen has been awarded $19, 492 from the State of Washington DSHS for "Drug Utilization Review Assistance to State of Washington Drug Utilization & Education Council." Valerie Daggett has received $450, 000 as part of $1.8M from Intel Corp. to the University of Washington and will collaborate with the Department of Physics to set up a computational cluster. Jackie Gardner has been granted an amount of $26, 597 from the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PATH ; for "Expanding Access to Emergency Contraception." Shelley Gray has received the Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award in the amount of $445, 855 from the National Institute on Aging which provides five years of support for her to use epidemiologic methods to study benzodiazepine use and the risk of disability in the elderly. Danny Shen has been awarded $199, 356 for the first of a three-year renewal of his NIH grant on valproic acid transport entitled, "CNS Delivery of Alkanoate Antiepileptics." Andy Stergachis has received $80, 000 from Amgen Inc. for a Graduate Fellowship in Pharmaceutical Outcomes. Sean Sullivan was awarded $30, 432 from Glaxo Wellcome for the study, "Economic Model of Bipolar I Disorder." Stan Weber has received $126, 938 from Eli Lilly for the program, "The Schizophrenia Outcomes Assessment Project." West Virginia University. Suresh Madhavan and Sidney A. Rosenbluth, in partnership with APhA, have received a grant of $125, 000 from the Center for Disease Control for the third year of a five-year project: "Developing Pharmacists' Roles in Increasing Childhood Immunizations." The project was broadened with an addition CDC grant of $92, 896 during year three to support: "Expanding Pharmacists' Roles to Increase Adult Immunizations." Yongyut Rojanasakul, has received a grant from the US DHHS in the amount of $13, 750 for the project, "Measurements of Dust-Induced Nuclear Factorand Cytokine Expression." Mohamadi Sarkar, has been granted $90, 902 from NCI to study "The Role of P-450 and Detoxification Enzyme in Uterine Cancer." Marie Abate has received a grant from the U.S. Dept of Education in the amount of $70, 370 for a project: "Development of Computerized Multidisciplinary Problem Based Learning Cases with Concept Map Integration." Elizabeth Scharman has received a grant from the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources in the amount of $31, 456 for the project, "State and Community Based Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program." Barbara Kaplan and Todd Wandstrat, have been awarded a grant from Pfizer, Inc. in the amount of $135, 423 for the project: "Cost Effectiveness Evaluation of Oral Antimicrobials in the Treatment of Acute Otitis Media." Dawn Bell has received a grant from Rhone-Poulenc Rorer in the amount of $16, 320 for the.
Ataxia, psychomotor slowing, weight loss, and nephrolithiasis. Placebocontrolled trials of topiramate as an adjunctive therapy for seizures in 1757 adults and 310 children reported ocular adverse effects, including diplopia, nystagmus, conjunctivitis, accommodation abnormalities, mydriasis, and myopia.7 Topiramaate may also affect visual perception.13 It has several mechanisms of action but has documented effects on sodium and chloride movement that can interfere with ionic concentration in various tissues, including the crystalline lens.11 In our patient, the acute myopia began to resolve 24 hours after discontinuation of the drug, which is compatible with its half-life. The acute retinal striae seen have been described in association with other drugs, but are not the cause of the myopia. Elevation of the retina secondary to fluid could be consistent with drug-induced altered membrane potential, but would cause hyperopia rather than myopia. The fact that we noted a shallow anterior chamber points to a swelling of the crystalline lens owing to altered ionic concentration. Unfortunately, at the time he was seen, we did not have high-resolution ultrasound biomicroscopy available to attain an accurate measurement. This is the first documented case of acute myopia with fundus photographs of retinal striae secondary to topiramate we know of. We suggest that patients with acute refractive changes who are using topiramate have a cycloplegic refraction examination performed, and if possible, an ultrasound to measure the anteriorposterior length of the lens. We cannot say if this effect is transitory, as our patient stopped the treatment himself and refused to restart it, but progression or recovery could be documented with serial ultrasonography measurements that are safe and noninvasive. Harsh A. Sen, MD Henry S. O'Halloran, FRCSI William B. Lee, MD Lexington, Ky Corresponding author: William B. Lee, MD, Department of Ophthalmology.
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Tandis que PRO-PATER a fond son tablissement et son image en s'adressant directement aux hommes, un programme russi destin des hommes peut galement dmarrer partir d'un programme de planification familiale initialement prvu pour les femmes. Avec 48 centres travers la Colombie, Profamilia est l'une des organisations de planification familiale les plus larges et les mieux tablies au monde. En 1985, encourage par le succs de PROPATER et soutenue par AVSC, Profamilia dcida d'ouvrir une clinique pour les hommes. Pourtant, en plus des services de vasectomie, la Clnica para el Hombre fournit galement d'autres services en sant de la reproduction, tels que le dpistage et le traitement de problmes urologiques et sexuels, de strilit et de maladies sexuellement transmissibles. Par ailleurs, la clinique offre galement des examens physiques, des condoms et des cours de planification familiale. Le succs de la Clinica para el Hombre peut se mesurer par le fait que ses services se sont tendus 5 autres sites et traitent en moyenne 750 nouveaux clients par mois. De plus, Chaque mois environ 500 hommes retournent la clinique pour des examens de suivi et la "Clnica" vend plus de 2 000 condoms. Par ailleurs, elle jouit d'une bonne situation financire puisque le taux d'autofinancement atteint 92%. Bien qu'en matire de sant de la reproduction les besoins des hommes diffrent de ceux des femmes, l'exprience tant de PRO-PATER que de Profamilia dmontre que les hommes y prennent un intrt considrable. Des services de bonne qualit facilement accessibles, discrets, pratiques, instructifs, dispenss par un personnel mdical attentionn et qui fournissent une gamme de soins complets allant au-del de la contraception attireront toujours une clientle nombreuse and valaciclovir, for example, topirmaate glaucoma.
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| Topiramate for alcohol treatmentWilkes et al. infusions were started simultaneously. Small blood samples 70 L ; were drawn every 10 minutes and immediately analyzed for glucose YSI2300 Glucose Analyzer, Yellow Springs Instrument, Yellow Springs, OH ; to maintain the integrity of the glucose clamp throughout the duration of the procedure. Larger blood samples 250 L ; were taken at basal and 120 minutes for determination of 3H-glucose, cold glucose, insulin, free fatty acids FFA ; , and Topiramate. All blood samples were immediately centrifuged, and plasma was stored at -80C. A terminal dose of Nembutal 100mg kg i.v. ; was administered after clamping to dissect periovarian fat pads from euthanized rats. To obtain basal muscle and fat tissue preparations, a group of rats were allowed to recover and vardenafil.
In early september, testing of topiramats for bipolar disorder because it was not effective enough.
Controlling expenditures in the Medicare program, which operates in the United States and serves aged and disabled persons 6 ; . With the agreement, there was a decrease in the decision-making and management ability of the NISSRP. While this was not included among the requirements of the agreement, there was no political decision to sustain the technical areas in the NISSRP needed to manage the contract. Before the agreement, the NISSRP had specific areas for informatics, billing control, and pharmaceutical audit as well as the Department of Medicines to determine which drugs were required for the beneficiaries, and the corresponding benefit level. These functions involved more than a hundred people working for the NISSRP all over the country; in addition, the NISSRP contracted for some third-party services. Those same third-party contractors and some of the more-qualified members of the NISSRP technical teams were later contracted by the pharmaceutical consortium through the BCG. Before the agreement, these structures were in place inside the NISSRP and performed their duties quite well, taking into account the heavy workload, the lack of appropriate computer hardware and software, and the bureaucratic procedures involved. Nevertheless, by signing the agreement, the NISSRP leadership seemed to indicate that they thought some other structure would work better. The need for the capacity to manage this kind of contract can be a critical issue in other areas of the public sector, such as social services provided by provinces and cities, where critical components of the operation are frequently outsourced. Prescribing for the nonhospitalized elderly includes a significant proportion of inappropriate medication, though the exact magnitude is difficult to determine. An earlier study 7 ; reported that prescriptions for NISSRP beneficiaries included a noticeable number of medicines considered to be of low therapeutic value. Our results are consistent with that research, since we found several nonrational indicator products to be present in both and voltaren.
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Studies suggest new approaches to pain - jul 3, 2007 journal of american medical association subscription ; , the drugs included in the researchtopiramate, propranolol, valproate, amitriptyline, and methysergide which has been withdrawn because of adverse indian, pakistani shares climb to record highs - jul 2, 2007 zee news and zantac.
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The weight loss that accompanies top8ramate therapy in some instances is useful for those individuals who have gained weight while taking other mood stabilizing drugs and ceclor.
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Summary the purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of topiramate as add-on therapy in patients with difficult to control partial onset seizures who are taking one or two standard anti-epileptic drugs.
Synopsis A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the April issue of the Archives of Neurology has assessed the efficacy and safety of topiramate as a migraine-preventive therapy. Patients were randomised either to placebo or topiramate, 50, 100, or 200 mg per day, titrated by 25 mg per week to the assigned dose or as tolerated in 8 weeks; maintenance therapy continued for 18 weeks. Patients included were aged 12-65 years, had a 6-month International Headache Society migraine history, and experienced 3 to 12 migraines per month, but had 15 or fewer headache days per month during the 28-day baseline period. The primary efficacy assessment was a reduction in mean monthly migraine frequency across the 6-month treatment phase. Secondary end points were responder rate, time to onset of action, mean change in migraine days per month, and mean change in rescue medication days per month. Four hundred eighty-seven patients were randomised, and 469 composed the intent-to-treat population. Results showed that the mean SD monthly migraine frequency decreased significantly for the 100 mg per day group from 5.4 2.2 to 3.3 2.9; P 0.001 ; and the 200 mg per day group from 5.6 2.6 to 3.3 2.9; P 0.001 ; vs. the placebo group from 5.6 2.3 to 4.6 3.0 improvements occurred within the first treatment month. Significantly more topiramate-treated patients 50 mg per day, 35.9% [P 0.04]; 100 mg per day, 54.0% [P 0.001]; and 200 mg per day, 52.3% [P 0.001] ; exhibited a 50% or more reduction in monthly migraine frequency than placebo-treated patients 22.6% ; . Adverse events for patients in the topiramate groups included paresthesia, fatigue, nausea, anorexia, and taste disturbance. The authors conclude that topiramate, 100 or 200 mg per day, was effective as a preventive therapy for patients with migraine and celecoxib.
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