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1. United Nations Population Division. World population prospects. The 2000 Revision. Available from: URL: : un esa populations unpop and : un esa populations wpp2000 highlights 2. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Vital statistics. Abridged life table for Japan 2000. Available from: URL: : mhlw.go.jp english database db-hw lifetb00 index 3. National Advisory Committee Canada ; . A guide to end-of-life care for seniors. Ottawa, Ont.: Health Canada, Division of Aging and Seniors; 2001. 4. Long OS. Living poorly or dying well: cultural decision about lifesupporting treatment for American and Japanese patients. J Clin Eth. 2000; 11: 236250. Fetters MD, Davis M. We live too short and die too long --On Japanese and U.S. physicians' caregiving practices and approaches to withholding life-sustaining treatments. In: Long SO ed. Caring for the Elderly in Japan and the U.S.: Practice and Policies. London: Routledge; 2000: 121145. 6. Fetters MD, Danis M. Death with dignity: perspectives on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the United States and Japan. Philosophy and Medicine. 2002; 74: 145163. Long SO. Family surrogacy and cancer disclosure: Physicianfamily negotiation of an ethical dilemma in Japan. J Palliat Care. 1999; 15: 3142. Elwyn TS, Fetters MD, Gorenflo DW, Tsuda T. Cancer disclosure in Japan: Historical comparisons, current practices. Soc Sci Med. 1998; 46 9 ; : 11511163. 9. Elwyn TS, Fetters MD, Sasaki H, Tsuda T. Responsibility and cancer disclosure in Japan. Soc Sci Med. 2002; 54 2 ; : 281293. 10. Long OS, Long BD. Curable cancer and fatal ulcers. Soc Sci Med. 1982; 16: 21012108. Long OS. Life is more than survey: Understanding attitudes toward euthanasia in Japan. Theor Med. 2002; 23: 305319. Long OS. Ancestors, computers, and other mixed messages: Ambiguity and euthanasia in Japan. Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2001; 10: 6271. Yasumura S, Haga H, Yukawa H, Suzuki T, Amano H, Shibata H, Makita F, Imuta H, Abe H, Fukao A. Zaitaku-koureisha no syuumatsuki-iryo ni kansuru ishiki. [Attitude toward terminal care among the community-dwelling elderly in Japan.] Term Care. 1999; 9: 466471. in Japanese ; Matsushita S, Inamatsu T, Hashimoto H, Takahashi R, Takahashi T, Mori M, Kida K, Ozawa T. Shuumatsuki no kea ni kansuru gairai-koureikanja no ishikichousa. [Elderly outpatients' attitudes toward care in terminal stage disease.] Jpn J Geriat. 1999; 36: 4551. in Japanese ; Singer PA, Martin DK, Kelner M. Quality end-of-life care: patients' perspectives. JAMA. 1999; 281: 163168. Steinhauser KE, Christakis NA, Clipp EC, McNeilly M, McIntyre L, Tulsky JA. Factors considered important at the end of life by patients, family, physicians, and other care providers. JAMA. 2000; 284: 24762482. Patrick DL, Engelberg RA, Curtis JR. Evaluating the quality of dying and death. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. 2001; 22: 717726. Steinhauser KE, Christakis NA, Clipp EC, McNeilly M, Grambow S, Parker J, Tulsky JA. Preparing for the end of life: preference of patients, families, physicians, and other care providers. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. 2001; 22: 727737. Vig EK, Davenport NA, Pearlman RA. Good deaths, bad deaths, and preferences for the end of life: a qualitative study of geriatric outpatients. J Geriatr Soc. 2002; 50: 15411548. Lee A, Pang WS. Preferred place--a local study of cancer patients and their relatives. Singapore Med J. 1998; 39: 447450. Strauss A, Corbin J. Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 1990. Crabtree BF, Miller WL. A qualitative approach to primary care, for instance, sonataarctica.
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One cause of bad breath and associated nasal malodor, is a foreign body stuck in the nose. Fortunately, these cases are almost always limited to small children we hope ; . These foreign objects can range from food to hard beads. In cases of bad breath in small children, it is wise to first check the nasal passages to make sure they are not blocked. In even more rare instances, inefficient swallowing of small objects may create localized infections in the upper respiratory tract, creating oral malodor, without the most common symptoms present. One of the more famous cases of this nature tells of a football player who, when tackled very hard, actually swallowed some turf. The foreign object putrefied in the lung alveoli over time and created a terrible breath disorder for this fellow. It wasn't until years later that the foreign object was discovered and surgery removed the source of the problem. One of our most successful formulas deals directly with the problem of bad breath, related to post nasal drip and allergies. This is our TheraBreath Nasal Sinus Formula : therabreath products ?CAT 4&affid 1856 ; . Just squeezing a few of the drops into each nostril and then lightly inhaling to make sure the formula gets back far enough ; allows the formula to hit its mark the back of the throat and tongue, where the anaerobes easily process the amino acids in the proteins of mucus and phlegm. It's now also available in a handsome spray, too. If you are looking for a device to assist in the reduction of post-nasal drip and excess mucus, then you will want to use the Nasal Sinus Irrigator. Pg. 27 ; Or go to: : therabreath products ?cat 7&pid 111&affid 1856. Drugs needing prior HFHP authorization: Some covered drugs require proof of medical necessity from the physician before filling the prescription. In order for the plan to pay for these drugs, the physician ordering the prescription is required to submit all medical information to Health First Health Plans documenting the medical necessity. These drugs are identified in the Drug List. Excluded drugs: Health First Health Plans does not provide coverage for all drugs. In addition to the drugs marked "excluded" in this drug list, newly FDA approved drugs are not covered unless the P & T Committee in its sole discretion approves these drugs for coverage. Health First Health Plans will automatically exclude a particular drug if a generic version becomes available and an entire class of drugs if a particular drug within that class becomes available over the counter. The following are NOT covered by HFHP: Compounded drugs Cosmetics or any drugs used for cosmetic purposes such as Retin-A, Rogaine, Topical Minoxidil, and Vaniqa ; Diabetic supplies, blood glucose monitors and test strips other than those manufactured by Johnson & Johnson under the product name One Touch meters and test strips Erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra ; Infertility drugs such as Clomid ; and abortive drugs such as Plan B and RU486 Injectables except insulin, Imitrex, and those requiring prior authorization ; Multivitamins and nutritional supplements except prescription pre-natal vitamins ; Nicotine products Nonprescriptive supplies or substances Oral and topical antifungals for onychomycosis such as Lamisil, Sporanox, and Penlac ; Outpatient drugs for influenza such as Tamiflu and Relenza ; Over-the-counter medications such as Lotrimin, Zantac 75, Pepcid AC ; , or any drug for which a similar over-the-counter version is available All new drugs approved by the FDA will be excluded from the preferred drug list formulary unless HFHP's Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, in it's sole discretion, decides to waive this exclusion for a particular drug. Sleeping agents such as Ambien and Sona5a ; Support garments Syringes, needles, or other disposable supplies except those used with insulin and testosterone. A. The answer to this question is not well established, but one theory suggests that ADHD is related to difficulties in inhibiting responses to internal and external stimuli. Evidence to date suggests that those areas of the brain thought to be involved in planning, foresight, weighing of alternative responses, and inhibiting actions when alternative solutions might be considered, are underaroused in persons with ADHD. Stimulant medication may work on these same areas of the brain, increasing neural activity to more normal levels. More research is needed, however, to firmly establish the mechanisms of action of the stimulants. Monteclat : october 21st, 2006 at a sharp handling sonaga and tylenol. Serums.36 sf.46 sf 5000 plus.46 SHOHL'S SOLUTION MODIFIED.44 sildec .42 sil-tex.41 SILVER NITRATE .14 silver sulfadiazine .29 simethicone .30 SIMETYL .31 simuc .41 SIMULECT.36 simvastatin .27 SINA-12X .41 SINGULAIR .43 sinuvent pe .41 SITREX.41 SKELAXIN.44 SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS.43 SKELID .34 slo-bid gyrocaps.43 Smoking Cessation Agents .17 smz-tmp ds.15 sodium acetate.47 sodium bicarbonate .44 Sodium Channel Inhibitors .16 sodium chloride.47 SODIUM EDECRIN .27 sodium fluoride .46 sodium fluoride plain.46 sodium lactate .44 sodium sulfacetamide ointment .14 SOLARAZE.30 solia .34 SOLODYN .16 SOLU-MEDROL ACT-O-VIAL .33 solurex la.33 soluvite f .46 Somatostatin Analogs .32 Somatotropin Agonists.35 Somatotropin Antagonists.35 SOMAVERT .35 SOMNOTE .23 SONATA .23 SORIATANE.28 sorine.26 sotalol hcl.26 sotalol hcl af ; .26 sotret.28 spacol t s .31 spasdel.31 SPECTRACEF.15 SPIRIVA HANDIHALER .31 spironolactone .27 63. Tration of the initial medication. These additional medications have their own properties and side effects, thereby confounding any attempt to determine the adverse events attributable to the initial medication. Finally, although many antihypertensive trials report the prevalence of adverse events, including edema, after the administration of the study medication, none mention the prevalence of these conditions before initiating therapy. The prevalence of idiopathic edema has not been documented in subjects with hypertension, but idiopathic edema and hypertension are both associated with obesity.117 Therefore, there may be a relationship between idiopathic edema and hypertension, and edema that is reported as an adverse event in antihypertensive trials may have been present before subjects enrolled in the study. It is a deficiency of the entire antihypertensive literature that investigators do not include information as to the edema rate of enrollees before the study. 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