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Mao Z., Shay B., Hekmati M., Fermon E., Taylor A., Dafni L., Heikinheimo K., Lustmann J., Fisher L.W., Young M.F., Deutsch D. 2001 ; The human tufteline gene: cloning and characterization. Gene 279: 181-196. Chen Y.C., Chorev M., Muhlrad A., Shteyer A., Namdar-Attar M., and Bab I. Bioactive pseudopeptidic analogs and cyclostereoisomers of osteogenic growth peptide C-terminal pentapeptide, OGP 10-14 ; . Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, In Press ; . Physiology of Pain Vatine J.J., Devor M., Belfer I., Raber P., Zeltser R., Dolina S. and Zeltser Z. 2000 ; Preoperative open field behavior predicts level of neuropathic pain related behavior in mice. Neurosci. Lett. 279 3 ; 141-144. Shir Y., Zeltser R., Vatine J., Carmi G., Belfer I., Zangen A., Overstreet D., Raber P., and Seltzer Z. 2001 ; Correlation of intact sensibility and neuropathic painrelated behaviors in eight inbred and outbred rat strains and and selection lines. Pain. 90 1-2 ; : 75-82. Zeltser, R., Belfer, I., Raber, P., Dolina, S., Vatine, J.J. & Seltzer, Z. 2003 ; : Correlation of Autotomy and Emotionality in mice line with congenital deficiency of the Corpus Callosum. Pain. in press ; . Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Hasson O., Levy Y., Nahlieli O. 2000 ; . Arthrocentesis and lavage of the TMJ. Harefua 139: 64-66 Nitzan D.W. 2001 ; The process of lubrication impaiment and its involvement in temporomandibular joint disc displacement: A theoretical concept J Oral & Maxillofac Surg. 59: 36-45. Nitzan D.W. and Price A. 2001 ; The use of arthrocentesis for the treatment of osteoarthritic Temporomandibular joint. J Oral & Maxillofac Surg, 59 10 ; 11541159. Rachamim E., Better H, Dagan A. and Nitzan D.W. 2001 ; Electron microscopic demonstration and Biochemical Extraction of phospholipids from TMJ synovial fluid and articular surfaces. J Oral & Maxillofac Surg 59: 1326-1332. Nitzan D.W., Nitzan U., Dan P. and Yadgar S. 2001 ; Hyaluronic acid protects surface active phospholipids from lysis by exogenous Phospholipase A2. Rheumatol 40: 336-340.
N An appropriate scale should be selected with the limitations of time and thoroughness kept in mind. Conclusions n A wide variety of scales has been used as primary and secondary outcome measures in AD trials. There was no clear evidence in favor of any one particular scale. Reasons for this could be categorized by domain: - Global - scales sometimes lacked a strong theoretical background and did not always appear to be "global" in nature. - Cognitive - scales were lacking in adequate difficulty levels for mildly or moderately demented elderly - Functional - scales could be more specific to the demented elderly - Behaviour - there is a lack of consensus in the medical community on the definition of behaviour and mood problems specific to AD.
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Protease inhibitors above ; . Kinase activity was assayed for 30 min at 30 C the presence of 6 g myelin basic protein MBP ; as the substrate, 10 M ATP and 10 Ci of [-32P]ATP in 25 l of kinase buffer. The proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE and subjected to autoradiography. Calcineurin protein and phosphatase activity levels. Calcineurin CaN ; phosphatase activity was measured as previously described 31 ; . For immunoblotting analysis of CaN subunits A and B, neutrophil lysates were subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by electroblotting onto PVDF membranes, which were then probed for 2 h with rabbit anti-bovine calcineurin IgG 1: 2000 dilution ; and thereafter with HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG. Intracellular Ca2 + levels. Cytosolic [Ca2 + ] was measured in cell populations using the fluorescent probe Fura-2 32 ; . The concentrations of external CaCl 2 and additions were as indicated in Fig 7 legend. Intracellular Ca2 + stores were depleted by treatment with 1 M thapsigargin and 0.1 mM-EGTA for 5 min, followed by cell washing. 0.6-ml batches containing 6x106 cells were incubated in the presence of either 100 nM Ang II or 100 nM fMLP in a thermostatically-maintained cuvette at 37C. NF-B activation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays EMSA ; for NF-B DNA binding were performed as described 31 ; , using as a probe the [-32P]dATP-radiolabelled specific activity, 3, 000 Ci mmol ; double-stranded 22-bp NF-B consensus oligonucleotide indicated above. Reactions were performed in 20 l binding buffer 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.9, 10% v v ; glycerol, 0.1 mM EDTA, 8 mM MgCl 2, g ml poly dI-dC ; , 1 mM DTT ; containing 5 g of nuclear extract, and allowed to proceed for 20 min at room temperature. The protein-DNA complexes were separated on 6% polyacrylamide gels. For immunoblotting analysis of IB- levels, the neutrophil cytoplasmic fraction was.
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FIG. 5. The electrophoretic karyotype of the representative fluconazole-resistant mutant fzD5, obtained after 35 days of exposure to fluconazole. A ; The electrophoretic karyotype obtained by the OFAGE condition that accentuated the separations of the bottom B ; and middle M ; groups of chromosomes. Arrows indicate two specific chromosomal changes, the loss of two of three copies of chromosome 4a and an increase of one copy of chromosome 3. T, top chromosomes; S.c., S. cerevisiae 867 chromosomal size markers. B ; Autoradiogram of blot hybridized with the CDR1 probe, corroborating an increase in the copy number of chromosome 3 and microzide.
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Multiple harms associated with a potential hazard into an image of risk as variably perceived by different individuals and interest groups. Risk perception, as conceived in this sense, is unlike an x-ray image in that there is no single correct perception to be photographed. Occupational, environmental, and health risks are experienced and perceived in the context of culturally complex and highly politicized arenas 10 ; . An analysis informed and colored by these complexities is required 11-13.
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| Oretic 12.5 mgCEO ADANZ Alcohol Drug Association NZ ; , Deputy Chair, NCAT It has been a busy year for the Addictions Sector. For example, Te Tahuhu, Te Kokiri the Mental Health and Addiction Plan documents, the Review of the National Drug Policy, the Sale of Liquor Amendment Bill being defeated. The launch of the national Addictions Treatment Services website on June 29 was a long time coming. For the first time in New Zealand a comprehensive list of all alcohol, drug and gambling treatment services is available on the web, free to all. Numbers of visitors continues to grow as shown in the chart below: Month Oct 2006 Sep 2006 Aug 2006 Jul 2006 Jun 2006 Visits 10758 4531 1756 Pages 32645 11678 7158 ALAC's Culture Change programme has started a public debate about the New Zealand drinking culture. This social marketing campaign is part of a multi- pronged approach to address our risky drinking. While early results are very positive, time will tell if this campaign is an effective plank in the problem limitation range of interventions. The public debates have continued with BZP, the age of purchase and alcohol advertising. Again we have seen increased debate in the media about these issues. The NZ Drug Foundation has been effective and proactive in addressing issues of drug policy. And finally the year's achievements would not be complete without acknowledging the significant contribution that Professor Doug Sellman has made and continues to make to the addictions sector as the first Professor of Addictions Medicine in New Zealand. Best wishes to you all for a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year and flutamide!
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| Semantic indexing" LSI ; analysis that we have tried uses singular-value decomposition SVD ; . SVD allows the arrangement of the space to reflect the major associative patterns in the data, and ignore the smaller, less important influences [7]. For any matrix X m by can be decomposed as three matrices T0 S0 D0T . The method easily project T k ; dimension and D k ; project to the same k space. K is minimum rank of matrix T and D. Position in the space then serves as the new kind of semantic indexing. In this case, we can keep term vectors and document vectors point the directions about where they point, while we successfully reduce the dimension the data. If we compare two terms, we compare the two row vectors from the matrix T0 S 0 since XX T T0 2T0T . The cosine between two row vectors reflects the extent to which two terms have a similar pattern. By cosine measure, the larger the value is, the more similar the two terms are. Theoretically, this will achieve a better comparison than that of standard cosine measure on original matrix. Thus, we use this technique to compare the similarities between the input term and all the other terms extracted from the.
Attention Dallas County Healthcare Providers: Our influenza surveillance data indicates that the seasonal influenza epidemic has begun for the 2005-2006 season. Reports of influenza-like illness ILI ; in local school districts have increased. For example, Dallas ISD reported only 113 cases for the week ending 01 06 and now reports 387 cases for the week ending 01 13 06, an increase of 242%. See Figure 1. Viral laboratories are reporting more positive results for both Influenza A and B. Hospital reports of positive influenza and ER visits for flu-like symptoms have increased as well. See Figure 2 and efavirenz.
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The choices are limited: carry all of them to term, which increases health risks for both the mother and the developing fetuses complete abortion embryo reduction, in which the doctor removes one or more embryos possibly endangering the remaining embryos ; at this time, the best approach is to limit the number of implanted embryos in the first place and sustiva.
Wannapa Kunphasuruang. Theoretical analysis of a mathematical model for testosterone secretion by a singular perturbation approach. Bangkok : Mahidol University, 2001. 91 p. T E17618.
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In Part 1, the receptor affinities of 18 anticholinergics, expressed as dissociation constants, were determined in order to select the most active compounds. Six drugs showed high affinities towards the muscarinic receptor Kd 30 nM ; , and these compounds were selected as possible candidates for transdermal drug delivery because they can theoretically provide therapeutic plasma concentrations by dermal application on a limited area. In Part 2, we describe the physicochemical characteristics of the six selected anticholinergics atropine sulphate monohydrate, benztropine mesylate, dexetimide hydrochloride, oxyphencyclimine hydrochloride, scopolamine hydrobromide trihydrate, tropicamide ; together with atropine base. These characteristics may be useful to explain possible differences in in vitro permeation experiments. The chemical structures, molecular weights, and pKa values were available from literature. The partition coefficients, and the solubility, pH and stability in the dosing and receptor solutions were experimentally determined.
Dietary Phytoestrogens and Plasma Lipids in Dutch Postmenopausal Women; A Cross-Sectional Study. S. Kreijkamp-Kaspers, L. Kok, M. L. Bots, D. E. Grobbee, and Y. T. van der Schouw. Julius Center * for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. After menopause the incidence of cardiovascular disease increases. Phytoestrogens, estrogen-like compounds in plant foods, have been shown to reduce plasma lipids, glucose, and insulin when supplemented at high doses. Little is known about the effects on these endpoints of phytoestrogens in the range of intakes normal for Western diets. We conducted a population-based cross-sectional study in 301 women aged 60 75 y. Dietary isoflavone and lignan intakes were assessed by using a food frequency questionnaire covering the habitual diet the year preceding enrollment. The outcome measures were total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoprotein a ; [LP a ; ], fasting glucose, and insulin. We used linear and logistic regression analysis. In the analyses we adjusted for a wide range of potential confounders including lifestyle and dietary factors. Median isoflavone intake was 0.2 mg in the lowest tertile of isoflavone intake and 12.9 mg in the highest tertile of intake. Median lignan intakes were 0.8 and 2.1 mg, respectively. High intake of isoflavones was associated with lower LP a ; levels [odds ratio for high LP a ; 0.39, 95% CI 0.16; 0.80]. No association with the other plasma lipids, glucose, or insulin was found. In conclusion, the results of this study support the presence of some beneficial effect of dietary phytoestrogens, even at the low levels common in Western populations. However, in view of the limited magnitude of the effect, it is premature to advise postmenopausal women with low phytoestrogen intake to change their diet towards a phytoestrogen-rich diet with the aim of preventing cardiovascular disease. Soy Isoflavones Supplementation Attenuates Plasma Triglyceride Rise and Nuclear Factor- B Activation in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Healthy Women during Postprandial Lipemia. C.-Y. Choi, S.-H. Ryu, G.-S. Moon, D.-S. Kim, and Y.-S. Song. Inje University, Kimhae, Korea. Soy isoflavones have been postulated to protect against cardiovascular disease. One possible mechanism of action is through their antioxidative effect. We found genistein inhibits the activation of the redox-sensitive transcription factor, nuclear factor- B NF B ; in inflammatory macrophages in vitro. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of isoflavone supplementation on lipid profile, oxidative stress, and NF- B activation during postprandial lipemia. Twelve healthy young women, aged 20 25 y, volunteered for this study and were examined via a blood test to exclude any pathological disorder. On 2 different days, all participants received the same fatty breakfast with or without 1 capsule containing 100 mg of a mixture of soy isoflavones Amax NutraSource Inc. ; . One capsule of isoflavone mixture contained 13.5% daidzin, 26.3% daidzein, 38.6% genistin, 16.1% genistein, 5% glycitin, and trace amount of glycitein. The fat-enriched breakfast contained 1282 kcal, with 570 kcal 44.4% ; as fat. Lipid profile and thiobarbituric acidreactive substances TBARS ; were determined in blood samples taken at 0, 2, 4, and 6 h after breakfast. NF- B activity was determined by electrophoretic mobility shift assay EMSA ; in peripheral blood mononuclear cells PBMCs ; separated in Ficoll gradient by centrifugation; 5 g of nuclear proteins extracted from the PBMCs were used and ethambutol.
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