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Flore Jurassienne, ou, Description des P]antes vasculaires croissant naturellement dans los montagnes dn J u los plaines qui sent au p i Suivie d'un Tableau des Genres d'apr~s le Syst~me Sexuel de Linn6, &~. 4 tom. ~ee I wr~mERT-BABEY CLAUDE l~tr~ ; 8 . 1845, for example, ddavp adh. Haemochezia is the passage of red blood per rectum; this is usually due to bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract but occasionally can be due to massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In general, patients who present with haematemesis and melaena have more severe bleeding than those who present with melaena alone grade C ; . Rebleeding is defined as fresh haematemesis and or melaena associated with the development of shock pulse greater than 100 beats min, systolic pressure less than 100 mm Hg ; , a fall in CVP greater than 5 mm Hg, or a reduction in haemoglobin concentration greater than 20 g l over 24 hours. Rebleeding should always be confirmed by endoscopy. 1.3 Causes A cause for upper gastrointestinal bleeding is found in approximately 80% of cases. The underlying diagnoses are defined in table 1.

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Vaginal discharge Low-dose COC usually does not affect vaginal discharge. However, some women may complain of vaginal dryness while others may notice a clear mucoid discharge with or without cervical ectopy. There is no causal link between genital candidiasis and use of COC. Management. Vaginal discharge Ch. 13 ; . Cervical erosion ectopy ; Ch. 15 ; . COC may provide some protection against trichomonal vaginitis p. 41 ; but not against the other common STIs. COC appears to reduce the incidence of ascending PID because of the effect of progestogens on cervical mucus and the endometrium. Fibroids Low-dose COC does not appear to increase the size of fibroids and reduces the frequency of the associated symptoms. Patients with fibroids may therefore be given COC with careful monitoring. Carcinoma of the ovary and the endometrium A protective effect is well established p. 41 and dexamethasone. They were not investigated much [1, 2]. It had been thought that neutrons do not cause soft errors because no reaction occurs between atoms subjected to neutron irradiation. The increasing integration of LSIs has led to more unexpected non-destructive failures being observed. These failures have simply been reported to be caused by soft errors. However, it is reported that soft errors may not be due only to cosmic rays; they found evidence that soft errors may also be caused by neutrons on earth [3]. Their report made it clear that the effect of neutrons could no longer be ignored. To confirm their findings, we have measured the effect of neutrons on standard MOS devices. We inferred mechanism generating the neutron charges from an analysis of the soft errors, the energy dependency of neutrons, and the failure modes. We used simulation to verify our inference. Experiments The neutrons were generated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The diameter 18 cm ; of the neutron-generating source is relatively large. Since this source can irradiate an entire device, it is suitable for our measurements. Its energy bandwidth is also relatively large; it is close to that of the energy spectrum of neutrons on earth [4]. However, it is difficult to change its energy intensity of the source flexibly. To change the intensity, we placed a polyethylene blocks. Background Edible fats and fat containing products undergo oxidation, both during production and storage, causing a sequence of unfavorable changes. From a nutritional and technological point of view, it is desirable to control oxidation processes by addition of inhibitory substances. Enrichment of lipids with plant polyphenols can profitably influence their oxidative stability; additional introduction to human body can also decrease the degenerative diseases morbidity 1 ; . Objective To investigate antioxidative properties of green tea Camellia sinensis ; and rosemary Rosemarinus officinalis ; ethanol extracts in different season butter in comparison to other strong antioxidants. Design Two seasons butters quality were analyzed: winter and summer season. Oxidative stability of butter was conducted on Rancimat and Oxidograph test conditions 110C ; . To evaluate antioxidant activity of different plant extracts lipid samples were enriched with tea and rosemary extracts, tocopherols and BHT at concentration of 0.02% counted over lipid content. Outcomes It was found that pure winter butter was more stable than pure butter from summer season in Rancimat test conditions P 0.05 ; . No statistical differences between samples in Oxidograph test were found. Addition of antioxidants resulted in longer induction period, testifying better oxidative stability of lipid samples. Best antioxidative activity showed green tea extract, were induction period was 66.5 h for Rancimat and 64.0 h for Oxidograph test. Also rosemary extract and tocopherol mixture showed strong antioxidative activity, weaker however than green tea extract. BHT strong synthetic antioxidant, showed much lower activity in butter oxidative stabilization. Conclusions The present study indicated strong antioxidant activity of examined plant extracts in lipid systems. 1: Gramza A, Korczak J. Tea constituents Camellia sinensis l. ; as antioxidants in lipid systems. Trends Food Sci Tech 2005; 16: 351-358 and divalproex!

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