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J clin psychopharmacol 26 5 ; : 482-48 pmid 16974189. Muscle pain and statin-drug induced heart failure can be prevented by supplementing with co-enzyme q10, found at your local health food store, an intervention considerably less expensive and less traumatic than an artificial heart operation followed by cardiac transplantation, for example, high blood pressure.

Cost per Prescription Inflation Units per Prescription Brand Generic Mix Therapeutic Mix Utilization Prevalence Intensity New Drugs TOTAL 3.9% 5.6% -0.5% 0 -1.1% 16.0% 13.0% 2.6% The antihyperlipidemics continued their reign as the top therapy class in 2004. With a PMPY cost of $81.76, they now represent over 11% of total PMPY spending. Utilization growth continued to drive trend, rising 16% in 2004. An increase in prevalence was responsible for approximately 80% of the utilization increase. Cost-per-prescription trends were down in 2004, from 5.2% to 3.9%, driven largely by decreases in inflation and therapeutic mix. A new drug, VytorinTM, also contributed to the trend increase. Vytorin, approved in July 2004, is a combination of Zocor and Zetia, two products that were already on the market. As expected, statins dominate the therapy class, with a combined market share of approximately 80%. Newer products such as Crsstor and Vytorin are beginning to take market share from the leading products, but the top drug, Lipitor, still commands over 50% of prescriptions. Among the non-statins, Zetia continues to gain market share, growing to 6.6% of prescriptions, up from 3.8% in 2003. Generic lovastatin -- the only generic statin currently on the U.S. market -- also grew in market share, from 1.7% to 2.4% of prescriptions.
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News articles on rosuvastatin the worrying wonder drug - 02 jul 2007 telegraph , statins, which were introduced in the late 1980s, include the brands zocor, lipitor and crestor, have been hailed as a wonder drug and rosuvastatin.
Home articles health topics diseases & conditions tests & procedures drugs & supplements symptoms site map quick links cholesterol triglycerides high cholesterol cholesterol levels low cholesterol diet lowering cholesterol low cholesterol food lipitor crestor zocor vytorin zetia lipitor side effects vytorin alternatives if side effects develop while you are taking vytorin, alternatives to the drug may be considered. A number of infections can be acquired during visits to farms and similar centres. These infections can include Escherichia coli 0157, campylobacter, salmonella, cryptosporidiosis etc. They are usually acquired by contact with animals, their excreta or contaminated environment. Children under the age of five years, or those who cannot manage their own hygiene needs are particularly at risk. A range of simple precautions can help to prevent infection. These include: Check the farm is well managed and that the grounds and public areas are as clean as possible. Note that manure, slurry and sick animals pose a particular risk of infection and animals must be prohibited from any picnic area Check that the farm has washing facilities that are adequate and accessible for the age and size of the children, with running water, liquid soap and disposable paper towels or hot air dryers. Any drinking water taps should be provided away from animals and toilets Do not allow children to eat or drink anything, including crisps, sweets, chewing gum etc, while touring the farm. They should also avoid putting their fingers in their mouths because of the risk of infection If children are in contact with, or help to feed, farm animals they must be warned not to put their faces against the animal or taste the animal feed Everyone must wash and dry their hands after contact with animals and also before eating or drinking Meal-breaks or snacks should be taken well away from areas where animals are kept, and pupils warned not to eat anything which may have fallen to the ground Any fruit or vegetables produced on the farm should be thoroughly washed in drinking water before consumption Children should not consume unpasteurised produce e.g. cheese or milk Hands must be washed before departure Ensure that footwear is as free from faecal matter as possible and tranexamic, for example, arrow crestor.
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U.S. filing expected Once daily and weekly patent litigation updates Discovery proceeding with 2nd wave generic filers PDUFA date for Dr. Reddy's non-AB rated amlodipine Prexige 10 - month PDUFA date Crestot launch expected Levitra U.S. approval and launch Approval of heart failure indication expected American Acedemy of Ophthomology Meeting Cialis PDUFA date Expected FDA filing Pfizer appeal ruling District Court Patent Challenge Trial Expected FDA approval Expected FDA filing; short acting formulation data Crest0r launch expected Analyst meeting and cymbalta.
Statins are drugs that improve cholesterol levels primarily by inhibiting the liver enzyme called "HMG C-A reductase." Statins have proven to be very effective in reducing cholesterol and in reducing the risk of heart attack and death. For this reason, and because they are generally well tolerated, they have become some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States. IMS Health reported that U.S. prescription drug sales grew 8.3 percent to $274.9 billion in 2006. Growth was fueled by the Medicare Part D prescription benefit, the increased utilization of generics within new therapy classes, and the launch of new drugs targeted to specific diseases such as cancer and diabetes. In 2006, total U.S. dispensed prescription volume the number of prescriptions dispensed to patients grew at a 4.6 percent pace compared with 3.2 percent in 2005. Prescriptions for the cholesterol-lowering medicines known as statins rose by an average of 500, 000 a month between October 2005 and December 2006, according to a new analysis by Consumers Union and Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs. The increase was enhanced by the availability of simvastatin -- the generic version of Zocor -- one of two new generic statins that came onto the market in the latter half of 2006. The analysis of the 15-month period is divided into two October 2005 to May 2006 and June 2006 to December 2006. Despite the uptake of the new and old generics, the analysis found that brand-name statins retained a significant share of all statin prescriptions -- 71 percent. Lipitor alone accounted for an average 43 percent of all statin prescriptions in the latter half of 2006. Lipitor lost some ground, however, slipping from 46 percent of statin prescriptions in the earlier period representing a decline of around 216, 000 prescriptions per month ; . Making up for Lipitor's loss were Crestlr and Vytorin. Average monthly Cresror prescriptions rose 33 percent and Vytorin prescriptions rose 26 percent between the two time periods. The study also assessed statin prices, which rose modestly and in line with general inflation during the period examined. This was due primarily to price competition and pressure from payers. Both these forces are likely to intensify in 2007 and 2008, given the statins' status as among the most widely prescribed drugs. AstraZeneca outspent larger rivals Pfizer and Merck by 30 percent on advertising for cholesterol-lowering medicines, helping the company's Crestor become the fastest-growing treatment for the illness. AstraZeneca spent $166.5 million to promote Crestor on television, print and radio in the year to November 2006, according to data from Nielsen Monitor-Plus. That compares with $128 million spent by Merck on its new combination Vytorin treatment and $104 million spent by Schering-Plough Corp. to advertise Zetia.

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Authors who frequently contributed to articles to the medical press. The complainant noted that he had frequently written for both the medical and pharmaceutical journals and had had articles published in the BMJ, The New Generalist, The Pharmaceutical Journal, Pharmacy in Practice, and Prescriber among others, including discussions on appropriate statin use. The complainant was not asked to contribute and he suspected that this was because he would have written a very different article. The complainant did not dispute that the authors had written the article themselves but the complainant alleged that they were chosen for what they were likely to write and AstraZeneca was in fact inextricably linked to the production of this supplement. As this was in effect an opinion piece, were any independent editorial advisers involved? The complainant questioned if the authors wrote this altruistically because of their concerns about inappropriate use of statins or were they paid to write it? If the latter, then this was a potential conflict of interest and should have been declared. There would then inevitably be a perceived association with AstraZeneca. In the complainant's experience sponsored supplements such as this normally included prescribing information for the sponsor's medicines. Was this not a requirement? The inclusion of such prescribing information would have enabled readers to know that one of the proposed treatment strategies was inappropriate in that rosuvastatin was not licensed for the prevention of cardiovascular events. As the reason for the supplement was to discuss the implementation of the NICE guidance and the NICE guidance was about the prevention of cardiovascular events and there were three other statins licensed for this indication, then this was seriously misleading. In addition, the rosuvastatin strategy included the use of the 40mg dose. The SPC for Crestor stated `Specialist supervision is recommended when the 40mg dose is initiated'. This was not mentioned in the supplement despite the increased risk of adverse events with this dose and this was a serious omission. The complainant alleged that the strategy suggested that simvastatin 40mg would only achieve a total cholesterol target of 5mmol L in 63.7% of patients and used data on file to support the claim. This ignored published evidence to the contrary and was therefore misleading. The two randomised controlled trials that involved the use of dose-adjusted simvastatin strongly suggested that the vast majority of people given simvastatin 40mg would achieve a total cholesterol of 5mmol L. In the 4S Lancet 1994 ; and IDEAL studies Pedersen et al 2005 ; patients were started on simvastatin 20mg and moved up to 40mg daily if necessary to achieve a total cholesterol 5.2mmol L in 4S and 5mmol L in IDEAL. The mean simvastatin dose in 4S was 27mg daily and in IDEAL 25mg daily, suggesting that most people would get below 5mmol L on 40mg daily. The strategies also ignored simvastatin 80 mg daily as the appropriate step 1, as advocated in the widely publicised University College London Hospitals statin guideline `Switching Statins' BMJ 2006 ; . These two adjustments would have had a dramatic effect on the costeffectiveness analysis, which was therefore misleading. In 1998 the world watched in mounting horror as fighting tore through the autonomous region of Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia. Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians, who were the majority in Kosovo, fled across the border to safety in Albania and Macedonia in the face of the advancing Serbian army. Thousands were slaughtered in a vicious conflict that pitted Serb against Kosovar in one of the poorest regions of the Balkans. It was only in March 1999, when NATO forces intervened, that the scope of the suffering was fully revealed. For those who fled the violence, the relative safety of makeshift refugee camps could not stem the tide of disease. Illness and infection were rampant and neared epidemic conditions among the refugees in the cold mountainous climate. The images from television cameras beamed around the globe were desperate. The world responded to this humanitarian crisis by sending food, clothing, medical assistance and other necessities. Desperate needs One field worker described the conditions in a refugee camp this way: "The situation here is very dire. There are many more needs than anyone can imagine. We need more antibiotics for the camps as well as the hospital. There are more than 50, 000 refugees here alone and they are still arriving every day. There is a desperate need for children's medicine." In response, Health Partners International of Canada teamed up with the Vancouver-based Global Relief Fund and Wyeth Canada to provide antibiotics for the treatment of a wide variety of infections in both children and adults. It was exactly what the health-care workers in Kosovo were asking for. In April 1999, 10 pallets of antibiotics weighing two and a half tons were transported from Canada by air, sea and road to the Balkan region, destined for refugee camps in Albania on the Kosovo border as well as some camps in Macedonia. Through the concerted effort of governments, airlines, UNICEF and the Canadian and Italian armies, the medicine arrived swiftly and safely and could be used immediately. Emergency shipment A report from the field confirmed that the emergency shipment of antibiotics was exhausted in a matter of days and was used to treat tens of thousands of refugees. Many of them were children, suffering from a variety of infections incurred either on their escape to and misoprostol. In the last ten years, exciting new research has provided clues to the causes of cognitive aging and Alzheimer's disease. We now need to capitalize on this new knowledge to create new drugs. Funding is the critical barrier for both academic researchers and early stage biotechnology companies. Drug discovery research is expensive; an average drug takes 12 years from discovery to market, at a cost of approximately $800 million. There is a critical lack of funding for early stage drug discovery projects, for instance, crest9r and alcohol. 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